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Contact & Directions

All Alpack cases feature interiors that are custom designed to satisfy the requirements of your product and its specific handling environment. Cushioning is designed to accommodate the fragility of the product and its usage. This approach has proven to offer the most cost effective solutions to your specific packaging problem.

For a complimentary analysis of your custom case requirements simply call us, stop by or fill out the form below and we’ll reach out to you in a timely manner.

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Alpack Associates, Inc.

141 Lanza Ave, Building 19, Garfield, NJ 07026
Phone: (973) 955-4747
Fax: (973) 955-4750



This site has been setup purely for demonstration purposes and the content is designed to showcase the capabilities of Alpack Custom Case Company. None of the given examples on this site are for sale or re-sale. All images are © and each custom example is unique to the end-needs of that particular customer. Photos may not be copied or reproduced without explicit permission from Alpack.